100 Cubic centimeters to Cubic meters

Convert 100 Cubic centimeters to Cubic meters (cm3 to m3) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. To convert 100 cm3 to m3 use direct conversion formula below.
100 cm3 = 0.0001 m3.
You also can convert 100 Cubic centimeters to other Space (popular) units.




Direct conversion formula: 1 Cubic centimeters * 1000000 = 1 Cubic meters

Opposite conversion: 100 Cubic meters to Cubic centimeters

Check out conversion of 100 cm3 to most popular space units:

100 cm3 to Milliliters
100 cm3 to Liters
100 cm3 to Gallons (US liquid)
100 cm3 to Ounces UK
100 cm3 to Gallons (UK)

Conversion table: Cubic centimeters to Cubic meters

CUBIC CENTIMETERS   CUBIC METERS 1 = 1.0E-6 2 = 2.0E-6 3 = 3.0E-6 4 = 4.0E-6 5 = 5.0E-6 7 = 7.0E-6 8 = 8.0E-6 9 = 9.0E-6 10 = 1.0E-5
CUBIC METERS   CUBIC CENTIMETERS 1 = 1000000 2 = 2000000 3 = 3000000 4 = 4000000 5 = 5000000 7 = 7000000 8 = 8000000 9 = 9000000 10 = 10000000

Nearest numbers for 100 Cubic centimeters

CUBIC CENTIMETERS   CUBIC METERS 100.2 cm3 = 0.0001002 m3 101.3 cm3 = 0.0001013 m3 101.6 cm3 = 0.0001016 m3 102 cm3 = 0.000102 m3 103 cm3 = 0.000103 m3 103.5 cm3 = 0.0001035 m3 104.96 cm3 = 0.00010496 m3 105.15 cm3 = 0.00010515 m3 106 cm3 = 0.000106 m3 106.2 cm3 = 0.0001062 m3 107 cm3 = 0.000107 m3 108.5 cm3 = 0.0001085 m3 112.3 cm3 = 0.0001123 m3 113.5 cm3 = 0.0001135 m3 114 cm3 = 0.000114 m3 115 cm3 = 0.000115 m3 117.5 cm3 = 0.0001175 m3 118 cm3 = 0.000118 m3 121 cm3 = 0.000121 m3 122 cm3 = 0.000122 m3
