What is 0.38 Teaspoons in Liters?
0.38 Teaspoons = 0.00187 LitersHow to convert 0.38 Teaspoons to Liters
To convert 0.38 Teaspoons to Liters you have to multiply 0.38 by 0.00492892161458, since 1 Teaspoon is 0.00492892161458 Liters. The result is the following:
0.38 tsp × 0.00492892161458 = 0.00187 L
0.38 tsp = 0.00187 L
We conclude that zero point three eight Teaspoons is equivalent to zero point zero zero one eight seven Liters:
0.38 Teaspoons is equal to 0.00187 Liters.
Therefore, if you want to calculate how many Liters are in 0.38 Teaspoons you can do so by using the conversion formula above.
Teaspoons to Liters conversion table
Below is the conversion table you can use to convert from Teaspoons to Liters
Definition of units
Let's see how both units in this conversion are defined, in this case Teaspoons and Liters:
Teaspoon (tsp)
A teaspoon (occasionally "teaspoonful") is a unit of volume, especially widely used in cooking recipes and pharmaceutic prescriptions. It is abbreviated as tsp. or, less often, as t., ts., or tspn. In the United States one teaspoon as a unit of culinary measure is 1⁄3 tablespoon, that is, 4.92892159375 ml; it is exactly 1 1⁄3 US fluid drams, 1⁄6 US fl oz, 1⁄48 US cup, and 1⁄768 US liquid gallon and 77⁄256 or 0.30078125 cubic inches. For nutritional labeling on food packages in the US, the teaspoon is defined as precisely 5 ml.
Liter (L)
The liter (also written "litre"; SI symbol L or l) is a non-SI metric system unit of volume. It is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm3), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm3) or 1/1,000 cubic meter. The mass of one liter liquid water is almost exactly one kilogram. A liter is defined as a special name for a cubic decimeter or 10 centimeters × 10 centimeters × 10 centimeters, thus, 1 L ≡ 1 dm3 ≡ 1000 cm3.
Frequently asked questions to convert 0.38 Teaspoons into Liters
- How many Liters are in 0.38 Teaspoons?
- 0.38 Teaspoons equals how many Liters?
- How many is 0.38 Teaspoons in Liters?
- What is 0.38 Teaspoons in Liters?
- How much is 0.38 Teaspoons in Liters?
- How many L are in 0.38 tsp?
- 0.38 tsp is equal to how many L?
- How many is 0.38 tsp in L?
- What is 0.38 tsp in L?
- How much is 0.38 tsp in L?
0.38 Teaspoons conversions to other Volume units
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Oil Barrels
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Cubic Centimeters
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Cubic Feet
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Cubic Inches
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Cubic Meters
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Cups
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Cups
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Gallons
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Gallons
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Milliliters
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Fluid Ounces
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Fluid Ounces
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Pints
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Pints
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Quarts
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Quarts
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Tablespoons
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Tablespoons
- 0.38 Teaspoons in Imperial Teaspoons
Recent Teaspoons to Liters conversions
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- 38 Teaspoons in Liters
Recent conversions
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- 7.7 Decades in Milliseconds
- 266 Fahrenheit in Kelvin
- 92 Square Inches in Square Meters
- 1.87 Square Feet in Square Inches
- 14.2 Cubic Meters in Teaspoons
- 508 Pounds in Long Tons